The Church Council is the governing body of our church. All facets of church life are reviewed by the Council and future plans are put in place. These facets include, personnel, worship, finance, property maintenance and outreach activities.
The Church Council meets four times a year, as well as occasionally called together for special meetings.
Even though Church Elders have their separate meetings and activities (see below), at least 50% of the Church Council are required to be Elders.
Councillors are nominated and elected by the congregation for a period of 3 years. This occurs on a rotational basis so that there is continuity of membership at all times.
Photographs of all current Councillors are displayed prominently at the back of the church.

Elders share with the Minister in oversight and building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining its members in hope and leading them into a full participation in Christ's mission in the world. The ministry of elder is one of spiritual oversight, and may also be exercised in pastoral visitation, teaching, encouraging members of the congregation to share in mission, and assisting the minister in leadership of worship and administration of the sacraments.
Elders are available for advice and counselling when required. They also lead Elders' Services each year and serve communion to the congregation every month.
In addition, they also organise outings/activities for the Elders and their partners from time to time.
A Duty Elder welcomes the Minister and participants in worship and prays with them before each service. Elders very much see their role as a privilege and are committed to serving the Church community in as many ways as possible.
Elders have a strong advisory role on worship matters to the Church Council. In addition, Elders assist in baptisms by meeting with families ahead of time and sharing with them in the actual service.
Elders are nominated and elected by the congregation for a 5 year period - again on a rotational basis. As with Council, photographs of all current Elders are prominently displayed at the back of the church.