North Shore Dance Academy – Principal Sarah Eddie 0451 730 565 email info@northshoredanceacademy.com.au
For more information click here
U3A – Vicky Davies 0422 522 550 https://sydneyu3a.org/upper-north/
Nocturnals -yoga group - Peter Mayman 9918 2941. This group runs on Tuesdays from 8.15 - 9.15pm in the Wesley Room.
NorthShore Exercise Physiology and Pilates -Nicki McMahon nickimcmahon@optusnet.com.au - Wednesday 9.15am - 10.15am
St. Ives Quilters - Linda 0407 419 587. This group meets every Tuesday from 10.00am - 2.00pm in the Calvin Room.
Catholic Healthcare seniors exercise - Thursday -1800 225 474 Health & wellness Programs (catholichealthcare.com.au)
Taekidokai Martial Arts - Kevin Lee - 0413 004 094